Isaac Castillo


Hello visitors. I'm Isaac, I work at Raytheon Technologies in San Diego, CA developing a combat and missile system software. I studied math at UCSD and graduated in 2019. I wouldn't consider my self a web-developer, but I learned a lot about practical programming through web-development courses. I wrote this website back in 2017, and lack the time to maintain it since working professionally.

Selected Coursework:

  • MAT109 - Math Reasoning
  • CSE100 - Data Structures
  • CSE190 - CS Research
  • CSE105 - Theory of Computing
  • Math 103 - Modern Alebra
  • MAT180A - Intro to Probability
  • CSE101 - Algorithms
  • CSE167 - Graphics
  • CSE130 - Functional Programming
  • MATH167 - Random Walks and Quantum Computing

  • projects.

    FreeCodeCamp projects (2016): These are some of my older projects. I just keep them here as a reminder of where I started.

    Website, and Tribute Page

    This website was created as a portfolio page a while back (Maybe 2016), as a tribute to the World of Warcraft Guild I was apart of (2014). It was created using Bootstrap.

    Random Swedish Quote

    This website generates a Swedish quote. It parses the HTML found on a wikiqoutes page, and generates it along with a translation. I made this because I was learning Swedish at the time!

    Animated Weather

    This program grabs the current weather of any given location! It was made using Google's Geocaching API and the Dark Sky API. It was made using the P5.js library.